(in chronological order)

Abdumutallib KARIMOV
against Russia

Application no. 54219/08
Application: 13 November 2008
Stand: 28 May 2009

against Russia

Application no. 1248/09
Application: 12 January 2009
Stand: 28 May 2009

against Sweden

Application no. 17865/09
Application: 2 April 2009
Stand: 7 May 2009

Abdulazhon Mamadzhanovich ISAKOV
against Russia

Application no. 14049/08
Application: 21 March 2008
Decision: 7 April 2009

Salamat Khamrayevna MATMURATOVA
against Ukraine

Application no. 10825/02
Application:  5 November 2001
Decision: 24 March 2009

against Russia

Application no. 42502/06
Application: 23 October 2006
Stand: 11 December 2008

Ilhomjon ISMOILOV and others
against Russia

Application no. 2947/06
Application: 18 January 2006
Stand: 24 April 2008

Salim Khakimovich KHARATOV
against Russia

Application no. 13751/05
Application: on 25 February 2005
Stand: 6 September 2007

Damir Darifovich SIBGATULLIN
against Russia

Application no. 1413/05
Application: on 6 December 2004
Stand: 6 September 2007

against Sweden

Application no. 11665/05
Application: 28 March 2005
Decision: 31 January 2006

Rusana RUBINA and Alexandr RUBIN
against Sweden

Application no. 35733/04
Applicaiton: 7 October 2004
Decision: 31 January 2006

Rustam MAMATKULOV and Zainiddin ASKAROV
against Turkey

Applications nos. 46827/99 and 46951/99
Application: 11 and 22 March 1999
Stand: 4 February 2005

MAMATKULOV and Abdurasulovic (ASKAROV)
against Turkey

Applications nos. 46827/99 and 46951/99
Application: 11 and 22 March 1999
Stand: 6 February 2003

Ahtam Usman ESHMANOV
against the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia

Application no. 70133/01
Application: 3 May 2001
Decision: 20 September 2001